Sunday, June 28, 2009

Defensive Driving Rules

Rule 4: Wear your seat belt

We seldom realize the importance of seat belts until we come across an accident. The sole purpose of seat belts is to protect us at the time of collision. It not only sustains crash forces but also keeps us from being thrown out of the vehicle. All major researches show that the majority of death, at the time of crash, occurred because the persons involved were driving without wearing seat belts. Yet we come up with a variety of excuses for not wearing them. Some of them are:

1.“I don’t feel comfortable.” “It’s suffocating.” “I can’t breathe properly.”
Are they really so uncomfortable? Nothing is as comfortable as dying or spending months in hospital or losing one of the limbs.

2.It wrinkles my neatly ironed clothes. Undoubtedly, they do.

3.“I don’t want to stick to the seat at the time of crash. What if I’m trapped or my vehicle catches fire?” But the fact is, people get killed by smashing themselves inside the vehicle. Being thrown outside is even dangerous. Besides, it helps you stay conscious; therefore, more likely to escape in case the engine catches fire.

4.“Those who ride with me make fun of me if I’m wearing the seat belt.” You must not listen to them or the best would be to ask them to wear it. The point is why to keep such company who are so irresponsible. Let them realize the fact that wearing seat belts prevent over 50% of deaths and injuries.

5.“I don’t care!” Some of us are living daredevils and would never fear death. There are certainly other ways to express our audacity. Wearing seat belt is for our good; we better accept it at the earliest.