Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Online Traffic School Info

InterActive Traffic School

InterActive Online Traffic School
with Cartoons

Send in the Funny, and Online
Traffic School will Show You the

Send in the Funny, and Online
Traffic School will Show You the

Traffic School - Classroom VS. Online

Monday, November 24, 2008

Is Traffic School the Same as Driver's Education?

There is a difference between driver's education and traffic school. Driver's education is a course offered to those people who are getting their license for the first time. Traffic school is a class, usually four or eight hours, offered to current drivers that have recently broken a traffic law or were at fault in a vehicular accident. In many cases traffic school is attended on a voluntary basis, but it can also be court ordered by a judge depending on the severity of the offense.

If you have been cited with a moving violation that does not involve alcohol or drugs and have not been ordered to appear in court, you are usually eligible for traffic school. Many people choose to attend traffic school to avoid increasing insurance premiums or to remove the citation, or points, from their driving record. Many times, people who are cited for speeding, running red lights, or failure to yield are the most common attendees of traffic school.

Depending on your state and your driving record, you may or may not be able to use traffic school to remove the citation or points from your license. In order to be sure of your state's laws, you should check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). You can also read the back of your citation or ticket for information regarding traffic school in your area. In almost every state, you will be limited to attending traffic school not more than five times in your lifetime, unless ordered by a court.

Today, there are many private agencies that provide traffic school. Typically, these will only take one day of attendance and your certificate of completion will be given to you or shipped directly to the county in which you received the citation. Attendance in traffic school will also reduce the amount of your ticket in some states as well.


M. Pearl (formerly M. Groh-Gordy) is a former high school and college teacher who has been a traffic school owner and instructor since 1994. Her company, InterActive! Traffic School Online currently serves traffic violators in 6 states.
Her column on automobile driving is published weekly in newspapers of the Los Angeles Newspaper Group and/or the online Motorways sections of 14 California publications.

The Importance of Traffic School

Many people may scoff at the idea of attending a four or eight hour course at a traffic school, but in truth, traffic schools are a very important aspect to driver's education. Usually, traffic school is used as a part of a punishment for breaking traffic laws or engaging in a traffic law violation, but these classes convey an important message overall. These traffic school courses serve as a reminder of the laws of the road and the potential consequences of what can happen when these laws are broken. When some traffic laws are broken lives can be lost.

In many states, in order to obtain a drivers license, prospective drivers are required to read the state's traffic education book, take a class on driver's safety, and to pass both a written and practical driving test. While many people may think that they are driving experts once they obtain their license, they could not be further from the truth. Many people forget important safety laws and end up required to take a class or two at the local traffic school.

Traffic school is not required after a person obtains his or her drivers license, however it can be court ordered or a voluntary event later on. In most cases, people end up in traffic school after they have had an accident or received a moving violation. Accidents and moving violations can potentially risk the safety and lives of others, so traffic school is an excellent way for a traffic violator to be reminded of what his or her actions could do. Many states offer traffic school as a way to avoid getting points added to your driving record and will keep your insurance premiums down. It is the intention of traffic schools to re-educate offenders so that the same mistakes will not be repeated again.

M. Pearl (formerly M. Groh-Gordy) is a former high school and college teacher who has been a traffic school owner and instructor since 1994. Her company, InterActive! Traffic School Online currently serves traffic violators in 6 states. Her column on automobile driving is published weekly in newspapers of the Los Angeles Newspaper Group and/or the online Motorways sections of 14 California publications.

Types of Traffic School and What it Means

These days, if you have gotten a traffic citation or ticket that allows for the attendance of traffic school, you have many options on the ways in which you can attend the class. You may still attend a class in the day or evening that is held at a local traffic school service, comedy traffic school, or even online traffic school. No matter which option you take, as long as you take the course from an accredited traffic school that is recognized by your state and complete the course with a passing grade, you will usually reduce the amount of your citation fine, prevent points from being added to your license, and could even avoid an increase in your insurance premium.

Traffic school is an important part of dealing with serious and minor moving traffic violations. It is easy to forget that when you get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle you are not only taking your life into your own hands, but the lives of everyone else out on the road as well. Traffic school is meant to retrain current drivers on the traffic laws and the importance of safety including defensive driving. It is the aim of every traffic school instructor to send drivers back out onto the road with an increased knowledge of traffic rules and laws and to never see those same drivers in their class again!

Currently, the most popular form of traffic school is online traffic school. With an online traffic school, you can take the four hour course online from the comfort of your own home or office while fitting it into your busy schedule. In fact, with most online traffic schools, you can complete one section at a time, logging in and out in case you cannot dedicate a four-hour block of time to complete the course.


M. Pearl (formerly M. Groh-Gordy) is a former high school and college teacher who has been a traffic school owner and instructor since 1994. Her company, InterActive! Traffic School Online currently serves traffic violators in 6 states. Her column on automobile driving is published weekly in newspapers of the Los Angeles Newspaper Group and/or the online Motorways sections of 14 California publications.

Online traffic school

Almost everyone will choose to take a traffic school course in their lifetime, and some will take more than others. But whether it is your first time and you are trying to take care of a traffic ticket or you are just looking to refresh your driving knowledge, taking a traffic school course online will make the experience less of a hassle and more enjoyable. If it seems like you don’t have time to drop everything and go sit in a classroom, an online course can give you the freedom to set your own schedule and take the course in the comfort of your own home.

Perhaps it seems like you just made one little mistake, and now you are being forced to take a traffic school or defensive driving course to keep a traffic violation from going on your record. The fact remains that yes, you did make one small mistake, but that is all it takes. Maybe you were just driving ten or fifteen miles over the speed limit, that’s an honest mistake right? Over 13 thousand lives were lost in speeding related collisions in 2005. All of these people probably thought that it wasn’t a big deal either. The point is, Traffic School is a great way to get back to the basics and remember why it is so important to be very alert, cautious, and obedient to traffic laws while behind the wheel of an automobile.

Unlike tradition traffic school where you are sitting in a classroom, listening to a monotone instructor, or worrying about all of the things you are missing, online classes bring the material and testing right to you. Some online courses even provide fun games and cartoons to save you from boredom along the way. Online traffic schools are easy, fun, and simple solutions to completing your traffic course requirements.
If you are considering an online traffic course, make sure it is 100% approved by your state. Some companies are actually recommended by your state department as having quality research, good writing, or creative additions. These programs will provide you with great information to make you a safer driver while not taking away specific valuable time from your day. You can work at your own pace and take breaks along the way. So whether it is a rainy day and you want to get it all out of the way while sitting at home in your pajamas or you need to spread it out a little bit each day at an hour that is convenient, online traffic school is the answer.


M. Pearl (formerly M. Groh-Gordy) is a former high school and college teacher who has been a traffic school owner and instructor since 1994. Her company, InterActive! Traffic School Online currently serves traffic violators in 6 states. Her column on automobile driving is published weekly in newspapers of the Los Angeles Newspaper Group and/or the online Motorways sections of 14 California publications.

Why traffic school?

Through the Internet and through classrooms across the United States, drivers are enrolled in traffic school, also known as defensive driving. Though this is a course that does focus on the vehicle operation safety, it is not the same as a driver’ education. Driver’s education, or driver’s ed, is a course required of new drivers in order to issue them a license to operate a motor vehicle for the first time. Over the course of a lifetime, an individual might enroll in several traffic school courses, which will remind them of safety measures and traffic laws as well as provide them with current information about new laws or regulations. Many courts offer relief from a fine or other traffic violation penalty through the enrollment and passing of a traffic school course.

Privately owned and operated traffic schools are most common in jurisdictions within the United States. These traffic schools must have approval from their state in order to eliminate citations for vehicle moving violations. This is the number one reason for attendance in traffic schools. For most non-alcoholic violations, the court will allow a defendant to take a traffic safety course and expel the citation from their record completely. Of course, the specifications and protocol for removing a citation from an individual’s record may vary depending on the location of the violation or even the residence of the violator.

There are a number of advantages to traffic school courses versus paying off the fine. The biggest reason for many enrollees is to save money on the fine. Many courts will reduce the fine or only require court costs on a moving violation if the individual passes a traffic school course. However, this is not the only reason to consider. Keeping traffic violations off of one’s traffic record will impact insurance rates. The more citations an individual receives, the higher their insurance premium will be. In the long run, the cost of a traffic school course and court costs will be well worth the change in an insurance premium. Having a clean driving record is also beneficial for getting a job that requires the driving of company cars or transportation of goods.

Today, taking a traffic school course is extremely easy, with the help of the Internet. Online traffic schools have exploded in popularity, giving people the freedom to take a course at their own pace, at their one convenience, and in the comfort of their own home. Now there is almost no excuse not to take a traffic course instead of keeping a citation on your record. It is easy, convenient, and can even be a fun, and there is never any harm in learning how to be safer while operating an automobile.


M. Pearl (formerly M. Groh-Gordy) is a former high school and college teacher who has been a traffic school owner and instructor since 1994. Her company, InterActive! Traffic School Online currently serves traffic violators in 6 states. Her column on automobile driving is published weekly in newspapers of the Los Angeles Newspaper Group and/or the online Motorways sections of 14 California publications.